There are many types of degreasing agents on the market, including a citrus degreaser. While most types of citrus degreasers work to remove grease and grime from vehicle parts, there are differences in product types. When choosing a citrus degreaser, there are features to look for in the cleaner. Cleaning ability, gentleness on the skin as well as value are among the top areas of consideration for consumers. Multi-use cleaners are also highly sought after by shoppers.
Locating a citrus degreaser that will clean a dirty vehicle part is usually as easy as visiting an auto supply store or a hardware store. Finding a cleaner that will work on greasy automobile parts and be gentle on the skin often requires a little more research. Most of the citrus degreaser products on the market come in an aerosol can. This type of dispenser is easy to use on greasy parts, but it often splashes back onto the user, so its beneficial if the product is manufactured to be gentle on human skin.
When cleaning an especially greasy item that is not part of a running vehicle engine, it is important for the cleaner to be usable on a part that is not warm or hot. Many brands of citrus degreaser instruct the user to bring the item to be cleaned up to operating temperature prior to applying the cleaner. The heat aids the degreaser in melting the grease off of the item; however, the part needs to be able to be brought up to temperature. When cleaning parts on a bench, it is important that the degreaser will work even on a part that is not heated.
With all things being equal, a foaming degreaser often works far more effectively than a non-foaming type. The foaming action is able to get under the grease and break it loose from the surface. Foaming citrus degreaser is also typically thicker, so less is wasted when applying it to a part. Less waste equates to more product that is actually used to clean parts, so it is usually a better value.
For skin protection, a citrus degreaser containing aloe and lanolin is much easier on the skin than a cleaner that does not contain either of those ingredients. Often, an auto part is scrubbed by hand after the citrus degreaser has been applied. This can be damaging to the skin if protective gloves are not worn. A cleaner with the added skin-protecting substances is better on the skin and often leaves the skin soft and conditioned after its use.