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What Are the Different Types of Boat Propeller Repairs?

The different types of boat propeller repairs can be categorized based on the material the prop is made out of and what is wrong with it. Most boat propellers that can be repaired are made out of metals, such as aluminum, stainless steel, or bronze. Inexpensive repair methods for these propellers typically use soldering, though gas shielded welding is usually used for lasting fixes. Boat propeller repairs can fix a variety of different defects as well, and may include blade straightening, balancing, pitch angle correcting, and replacing the hub.

Boat propellers can be constructed of many different materials, each of which has its own unique characteristics. Composite props are lightweight and inexpensive, but repairs usually are not possible. These props are typically replaced instead of attempting repairs. Metals are usually more durable and easier to repair, though some are harder than others. Boat propeller repairs that involve aluminum props are usually easier and less expensive than those involving stainless steel.

Metals that are lighter and less expensive usually become damaged more easily than stronger metals and may require repairs more often. Light composite materials offer another benefit because when they break they are less likely to cause damage to other components. Broken metal props may result in damage to the lower unit that will need to be repaired as well.

Boat propeller repairs to metal props are mainly concerned with replacing or straightening the individual blades. If a prop blade is bent, it may be possible to return it to the proper angle. Blades that are torn or chipped can sometimes be repaired by soldering or welding. Soldering is often less expensive, though gas shielded welding can result in much stronger boat propeller repairs.

It is sometimes also necessary to balance a boat propeller, especially if the blades were bent or otherwise damaged. These boat propeller repairs can involve removing or adding material to the prop so that it does not vibrate when it spins. If a repair is done without ensuring that the prop is balanced, this type of vibration could reduce the efficiency of the prop or even damage the lower unit.

Aside from the blades, another boat propeller component that often requires repair is the hub. A failed hub can result in the prop not turning, which will prevent the motor from propelling the boat through the water. This type of repair typically involves pressing the hub out and then installing a new one.