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What is an Engine Warranty?

An engine warranty is a guarantee covering an engine for a set period of time, usually as long as the engine is used normally. If engine damage occurs, and the engine needs to be repaired or replaced within the term covered by the warranty, the owner will incur no personal expenses. Cars often come with such warranties, commonly covering other parts of the car as well, and they can also be provided for other motorized devices, ranging from manufacturing equipment to lawn mowers. If a warranty is not offered by default at purchase, it may also be possible to buy one at additional cost.

Businesses typically offer warranty coverage on their products as a form of guarantee to customers. It acts an assurance that any problems developing within a set time period will be covered and will not be the responsibility of the owner. People may also believe that a business would be unlikely to offer a warranty on a product it suspects will break and will treat the warranty as an assurance that the product should function normally.

The engine warranty typically covers parts, service, and labor for a specific wear period or length of time, depending on the type of engine involved. As long as people use the engine normally, following all directions for breaking it in and handling it appropriately, any damage will be covered by the engine warranty. People may be required to take the engine to a specific site for service, or to receive prior authorization before allowing a repair person to work on the engine. Engines installed in situ, like those in factories, will be serviced by a traveling technician who can determine whether repair or replacement is needed.

In cases where the engine warranty is not included in the cost of the product, the fee for an additional warranty or extension of a warranty may vary. Such warranties are sometimes provided by third parties, and it is important to review the terms carefully, as they are generally less favorable than those associated with warranties issued by manufacturers. Third party warranties also tend to be more expensive, especially in the case of extensions, where the liability for the third party goes up because the engine will likely need some form of service during the extension period.

In cases where an engine warranty claim is denied on the grounds of negligence or misuse, people can usually appeal to see if it is possible to have the coverage restored. They will need to provide documentation showing that they did not use the engine abnormally or were not advised of the risks associated with a particular use.