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BMW: no spark to my e30, transmission area, top of the game

I have a 1987 325e and i can't seem to get any fire. i have tried the coil, wires, relays, the 2 sensors that are connected to the transmission area. I tested the ECU ignition control module and still no luck. I don't have no fire period..I'm taking all these parts off and putting them to my running e30 to try to ? Car was running but cut off and i could not get it started again..What do you think could be the problem? Thanks Anthony..

 You are on top of the game here, as those are all the things I would have had you check out.  It sounds like its the sensors that go on the transmission to me, so maybe you should test them again to be sure?

 You have checked all the problem areas that will/can affect the ignition.  There really isn't anything I can help you with besides telling you to double check the ECU and tranny sensors again.  I cant see the car in person, so I'm not going to be of much help.

 Good luck,