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BMW: BMW 325e 1986, bmw 325e, radio work

Driving down the road, my radio went off. I drove 12 blocks, then began to park
when the car died, but the radio came back on. I could not restart the car- the
engine would not turn over. Now it won't start but lights and radio work. Any
advice? My fiance says it's the alternator.

 Your Fiancé is a good man!  He is right that the alternator is the problem.  I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, as my car did the same thing.  Driving along, I start to hear the radio get fuzzy, then the volume started dropping.  Eventually you couldn't hear anything from the speakers.  Replaced the alternator and it fixed it.

 If you know much about cars then disregard this, but I'll try to explain what happened.  The car has a battery and it uses it to run all the electronics (radio, lights, wiper), just like a Cell Phone.  Much like a Cell phone or any other battery-operated device... the battery will soon run out.  Thats where the alternator comes in.  Simply put, its a generator that recharges the battery.  Its turned by a belt that's connected to the engine.  Since you were able to drive 12 blocks before the car stopped, I am assuming that your alternator is not completely shot.  It probably still charges some, but it isn't enough to keep up with the demands of the car (radio, lights, etc.).

 When you parked, you noticed that the lights and radio work, but the engine wont start.  This is because the battery has enough power to run those items, but doesn't have enough to turn the starter.  The starter uses A LOT of power.  
 So in conclusion, buy a new alternator, install it, and enjoy your car!
 Good luck,