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BMW: 1987 BMW 325 two door hard top 6cyl auto, 1987 bmw 325, ford dealership

I was wondering if there is a common cause for the anti-lock light to be triggered? I just purchased the car and the light is on the dash. I have checked the fluid level, as well as the connections to the sensors. If there is a common problem or if I am overlooking a sensor or cause I would appreciate the help. As well as how to test the system and sensors to check which one has failed.  I am a technician at a local ford dealership, just for your info. I am also looking for a coolant reservoir sensor as well as a repair manual. If you know of where I may be able to buy these at a discount I would appreciate the info. Thank you


 There are a couple reasons the lights come on.  The sensor(s) need to be seated completely and clean.  If the sensor isn't all the way in it will trigger the light.
 Also some people who jump a vehicle off from another's battery will hook up the battery to the wrong terminals and when this happens its been known to burn up the ABS brain.
 Good luck,