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BMW: Transmission problem after carwash, high pressure hose, touchless car wash

I had the oddest problem with my 325I convertible --1994
Today I wanted to just run it thru a touchless car wash to get the bird CRAP off ....I ran it thru
it ran ok for a bit then----the transmision warning light came on then the car just stopped---I was able to get it off the street---called for assistance---by the time the person got there to help me( approx 5 min) the car did start ---no light and i went ahead and drove it home approx 2 miles
WOULD THE WATER FROM THE "TOUCHLESS" CAR WASH done anything to affect this? OF courseI planto call my trusted mechanic  Monday am, but just curious if you have heard of this occuring before...
thank you Cynthia

 This is very possible.  I've washed cars before and had problems afterwards.  Oddly, when this happens is usually because someone took a high pressure hose to the engine bay, not a touch-less car wash!?!?
 So just to play it safe I would take it by the mechanic and have him take a look.