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BMW: 1990 E30 Continuous Transmission Leak, transmission leak, continuous transmission

Hello, I have an 1990 E30 that has a transmission leak that continues to leak.  I have had both front and rear seals replaced but it still leaks.  It worse on long drives.  After driving for about 2 hours the entire uncarriage is literally covered in transmission fluid.  Can you please advise what might the problem may be?  It is fine on short trips.  Please advise, thanks.  

 There's not really much to tell you except the mechanic who put the seal(s) in did not do the job correctly, or you have some other area thats leaking.  I'm not going to be of much help, because I cannot see your car and tell you where it's leaking.  I would take it back to the mechanic who put the seals in and tell him that the leak is not fixed.  Either get a refund of have the job done correctly on his dime.

 Sorry I couldn't do more for you, but its just a leak...the mechanic should find it and fix it.

 Good luck,