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BMW: 1987 325i rough acceleration, mass airflow sensor, fuel pumps

This problem happened very suddenly. I parked my car one day and when I came back about 20 minutes later the car accelerated lousy. And I don't think it really matters if it's hot or cold out. My dad and I have changed the spark plugs and wires, the rotor, and I had a mass airflow sensor installed but I still have the same problem. It also misses alittle bit at an idle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

First question is maintnence and parts. Air filter, fuel filter, timing belt, valve adjsutment? How about parts quality. It won't run off $2.99 junk plugs from auto zone. It needs bosch plugs and high resistance plug wires. That car is really pretty simple, as long as the right parts are on it it should run fine. Listen to all of the fuel injectors while the car is running and see if they are all clicking. It is pretty faint so you might have to rest a long screwdriver to the injector and use it as a stethescope. Maybe check the fuel pressure and volume and make sure that is ok, low pressure causes driveability problems and I have done a lot of e30 fuel pumps. If you look at the throttle body and the go straight down to under the manifold amd there is a round connector, maybe 12 pins. Pull the rubber boots off the ends of each side of the connector and see if those wires that go into the back sides of the connector are all green and corroded looking. If they are that is the fuel injector wiring harness and that is the problem. Make some if the quick checks and let me know. It really sounds like a fuel or injection problem. Good luck.