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BMW: BMW 325e rev problem, vacuum leaks, bmw 325e

I bought a used 85 BMW 325e that has been nothing but a problem. The most recent problem is that once i get it started it will continuously rev up on it's own. Don't know if this will help but it is a standard, recently had to replace the blower motor for the heater and the entire exhaust. It's a great car but if I can't fix this problem then i'm going to have to get rid of her and there is no way to get back what i've put into her. Hope you can give me some advice. Thanks.

 These cars are GREAT when they are running correctly, but the idleing issue is pretty common with the 325e.  If you are capable, you can clean all of the intake boots, and the idle control valve, this will usually help the problem.

 Otherwise, I would have a shop check for vacuum leaks and the usual suspects.

 Good luck,