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BMW: Loss of power to fuel, temp and service panel display E34, aa batteries, fuel ecomony

Hi Josh
I have a 1989 525 that this week lost its gauges and service display and fuel ecomony meter.  The computer panel still provides range and consumtion figures for fuel so i guess the sender is working. fuses seem ok as well.  What do you think i could do myself to rectify. Cheers

 The problem is probably inside the guage cluster.  There is a board inside most of them that has two AA batteries soldered on.  When this board goes bad, it affects other areas.

 Unfortunatley I haven't done a 5-series cluster (I only work on the 3-series).

 I would recommend talking with the guys on the 5-series forum.
 Go to www.bimmerforums.com, and select the E34 5-series forum.  They will be able to answer your questions far better than I can.
