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BMW: BMW 320i Cabrio -, bmw 320i, performance chip


I'm driving a BMW 320i Cabrio (1989). It drives very smooth but I would like to add some extra torque or so.
I keep finding information about a 325i Performance Chip (DINAN), but nothing for a 320i.

Do you have any idea if such thing exists and if so, what's the gain?

Kind regards,
Niels R.


 We did not recieve the 320i in the United States, only the 325(i/e) and the 318i.  Dinan makes chips for US cars, so that's probably why there isn't one available for the 320i.  I would check with Alpina, or Hartge (both European companies) and see if they can help you.

 I dont think a Chip is going to do a whole lot, it might add a little Horsepower, but probably not much torque.  

 Good luck,