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BMW: 1993 325is Charging problem, altinator, 325is

My BMW charging system will not engage.  Have check the Altinator at its putting out more than enough power but after the car is started and when it is going to start charging the battery it does not work.  The car never loses power after it is started but the battery will not charge.  Have had both the altinator and the battery tested and they are both fine.  Have checked the fuses that I can find under the hood.  Any I deas on what I have missed.

 If the battery is good, and the alternator is good, and you have good connections... there is no reason that the system wont charge.  I know you have checked the battery, but I would borrow a different battery just to see if it's the problem.  Batteries can do strange things sometimes.. so you might check it with one you know works.

 Good luck,