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BMW: 5.28i overheating, temperature gauge, waterpump

I have a 1997 5.28i. The mechanic has changed the radiator, check the system for coolant leakage etc but the temperature gauge still goes towards the red. I am afraid to drive it and he seems to have run out of ideas of what is going on. Any help would be very welcomed.


 First off...DO NOT drive the car if the temp hand is in the red, it's much easier to fix what problems you have now, than to replace the engine or expensive components.

 When does the temp start to rise?  Does the temp rise only when you are sitting still?  Or does it go up if you are driving on the expressway at speed?

 If it's only rising when you are sitting in traffic, but goes back down when you start moving... that's probably the fan clutch.  Easy fix there...

 If it's staying elevated ALL the time, and never fluctuates, then it's probably the thermostat, air in the system, or a clog in the cooling system.  Don forget the Waterpump either.  Some of them had plastic impellers that break over time, and stop pumping coolant...

 Hope this helps,