BMW: check transmission fluid in 525i bmw (93), 525i bmw, dipstick tube
QuestionI need to know how to check the transmission fluid on a 93 525i bmw
Start the engine and let the car come up to temperature (drive it for 10 minutes if needed). Once the car is up to operating temperature, the level will be accurate. Stop the car and leave it idling, and raise the hood. Locate the transmission dipstick. It is usually YELLOW, but not always. further to the rear of the car than the oil dipstick. Pull the dipstick out, wipe it off, and reinsert it back in the tube. Seat the dispstick fully, then pull it out again. Note the level between the two marks. If there isn't any on the dipstick then you should add some fluid. The distance between the two marks denotes one quart. If the level is on the lowest mark (farthest from your hand) then the tranny fluid is 1 quart low. If it's half way between the two marks, it's a half quart low.
You will need a small funnel to poor fluid down the dipstick tube. Add it slowly, you can always add more... but it's hard to get it out if you over fill the tranny.
Good luck,