BMW: 1985 325e power windows, circut breaker, circuit breaker
Question I just brought a 1985 325e and none of the power windows will roll down. I assumed it was the fuse at first, but after finally locating where the fuse (#17} on the fusebox} for the windows/sunroof was at, I realized the fuse wasn't blown because the sunroof still worked. I haven't been able to figure out if there is a big circut breaker for the windows so I haven't teted that. Have you experienced any problems like this, and if so could you tell me what the problem might be? Thaanks for any help you can offer!!!
There is a big circuit breaker for the windows, and it's right above the radio. If you look, there will be a black button that just pushes in and clicks, and if you push it again it will pop out a little and have a red line visible. This is the circuit breaker for the windows, but I dont think it controls the sunroof. Make sure it's connected.
Try this and let me know,