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BMW: 1993 325is (E36), browswer, 325is


I'm having problems starting my car, its not getting any fire.  Here's a brief on how I got to this point.  The car was driven through a car wash, turned off while in the wash bay and never started again.  The person who drove the car attempted to restart the car but drained the battery.  We charged the battery, but this time the car wouldn't even crank.  It just clicked, thinking the starter was bad I had it replaced.  Now it's turning over again but this time no fire no ignition.

M. Minor,
 Well unfortunately it sounds like you have a wet DME (Computer control box).  The drains at the front of the car will get stopped up with debris and allow water to poor all over the computer.  Here is a link on what to do...


 copy the above link into your browswer and follow the directions.

 Hopefully this will solve your problem,