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BMW: 1995 BMW 325is, automatic transmission fluid, dipstick tube

I have a 1995 BMW 325is automatic transmission and when it is first started and put in gear, it struggles then will snap into gear.  Seems to be getting worse.  How do I check the transmission fluid or add more?

Mark C.

 To check the Tranny fluid, there is usually a YELLOW dipstick.  I'm not sure what color it will be, but it will be further back in the engine bay than the OIL dipstick.  Either way if you pull the wrong one you will know by what's dripping off the end.  Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) is pink/red, so if you have a brown liquid on the end, it's likely engine oil.  
 To check it correctly, you need to get the car up to operating temperature (i.e. drive the car for about 10-15 minutes until the temp-gauge needle is where it normally runs.
 WITH THE CAR IDLEING, pull the dipstick out and check the fluid.  You should wipe off the dipstick the first time, and check it again.  There should be two marks on the dipstick, and he fluid should be toward the upper (toward your hand) mark.  The distance between the lower mark and the upper mark denotes 1 quart of ATF.  So if the fluid is EXACTLY at the lower mark, you can add one quart and it should be EXACTLY at the upper mark.

 To fill the fluid, buy a funnel that will fit into the dipstick tube, it should be available at any local parts store.  Pour in a small ammount at a time, it's easy to put it in, but if you over-fill the tranny, it is hard to get it out.

 Hope this helps,