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BMW: 325e ignition, bell housing, harmonic balancer

I just did an overhaul of the engine in my 85 325e.  The car cranks but wont start.  I checked to see if there was spark to the plugs and there wasn't- checked the coil, same.  Seeing as they worked 2 weeks ago i dont believe they are faulty.  Could it be the way things are connected to the terminal leading to the battery in the trunk? What could this be? Is there some connection somewhere else that could cause this- the coil/dist. are connected correctly. please help.

 This sounds like your crank angle/timing sensor is not connected or it's broken.

 I think they are located on the side of the bell-housing on some "e" cars, while they could be located on the harmonic balancer on others.

 I would check this sensor, because it is what sends a signal to the ECU to tell the coil to fire.

 Hope this helps,