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BMW: BMW 328i breakes 1995, break pads, bmw 328i

Hi Josh, can you please help I have recently replaced my break pads and got rotors machined due to jerking problem. the problem seems to have minimized but still pretty bad when I break. I checked the rotors with dti and it measures 0.06mm. can you suggest anything please. cheers

 Brakes should be a simple matter, but somehow they always give a headache.  

 This jerking may not be from the brakes.  I know several other vehicles that pulsate or "jerk" when the brakes are applied, but only because bushings are worn out.  I would check all your suspension bushings for play and see if that's the problem.

 You can raise the car, then grab the wheel and try to move it around.  if you see the wheel moving or loose feeling, find where the movement is coming from.  Replace the necessary parts as well.

 Hope this helps,