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BMW: dead battery, cant get into car to jump, dead battery, battery 2

S-O-S!!!!! yes, battery 2 in 1 year, goes dead if I don't run car...now I'm locked out and can't get in. Tried lifting door handle and using key....10 seconds on open....help!!!! do I need to call AAA?


 Sorry I couldn't help you in your time of need, unfortunately I was sick all weekend.  

 I would suggest you take the car to an Autozone and have them test the battery and alternator (free).  Replacing batteries isn't solving the problem, it's just allowing you to drive it a while longer before it leaves you stranded again.  Something is draining the battery slowly and eventually its out of power to start the car.  There are too many possibilities for me to narrow it down by email, so I would suggest taking it to a TRUSTED mechanic that will not take advantage of you.

 Hope this helps, good luck