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BMW: Acceleration Lapse, fuel mileage, throttle cable

Upon acceleration of a 2006 755 Li series, there is a lapse before moving. Local dealer said the transmission has a one second delay. Is this true and can the program be changed for instant feel?

One second might be a little long. I would say there is a delay, but not a whole second. It may sometimes feel like that but if you were to measure it I am sure the yime frame is much smaller. Now, to explain why you feel this lapse. Most if not all manufactures are going to "drive by wire system" which means no more throttle cable. It is all driven by electrical wires and motors. It would take some time to explain the whole system and how it works, but since it electrical it has a system of checks and measures to make sure everything is working right before it allows you to accelerate. It is all in the name of (a) fuel mileage and (b) the amount of performance you can get out of that fuel mileage. Have they reset the adaptations at all? I have had a few that was lagging a little when taking off and have reset adaptations and it was much better. Also check and see if the car is due for programming update yet. Sometime these issues are fixed in updated software. Let me know how this goes and I hope this has helped some.