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BMW: dashboard light on 1995 318i, 3 dots, dashboard lights

Hi Josh,

I know you are an expert on earlier models, but I am hoping you can help me with this question:

One of the dashboard lights on my 1995 318i is now on all the time.  It is a circle with 3 dots to the left of the circle and 3 dots to the right of the circle (the dots are evenly spaced from each other, and follow the shape of the circle).  The light in question is directly to the right of the ABS light.  I cannot find the owner's manual.  Can you tell me what this could possibly mean?

Thanks and best regards,


Denise, I'm not sure what this is, as I know very little about the E36 (your bodystyle 3 series) and even more so about the 4 cylinder 318i.

 Sounds like it's possibly the fog lights or something, have you checked this?  I would do a search on Google.com for instrument cluster lights and 318i and you should be able to find some luck.  Unfortunately this is not my area of knowledge.
