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BMW: Heating, coolant level, temp gauge

my 1995 525i take a very long time to heat up. At thirty minutes the temp gauge is not at 12 O'clock...Even then when the heater is turned on it's not really hot...

On the hightway the temp gauge will drop to below the first indicator line....

Am i missing some type of fulid?

 Sounds like your thermostat is stuck wide open.  Since it's cold out, the radiator is cooling the water and allowing ALL of it to circulate throughout the engine.  The thermostat acts like a valve that restricts the flow of coolant when it's cold outside.  So this "valve" will limit the ammount on ICE COLD coolant coming in the engine and allow it to stay warm.  In your case it's stuck or broken and isn't regulating the coolant.

 So I would check the coolant level, make sure you have plenty, and then have someone replace/check the thermostat.  This is not UNCOMMON, I had to replace one on my car this winter as well.

 Good luck,