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BMW: spark plugs, spark plug gap, wont matter

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Question -
I have a 1998 M3 sedan with 65,000.  Spark plugs were replaced at 42,000.  They replaced them with spr8kqc plugs.  When should I replace them and should I use the platinum Bosch plugs with multiple grounds?  Also, can not find the spark plug gap recommended.  Thanks
Answer -
if they were replaced at 42k why are you replacing them again... at 65k...seems way too soon... are you sure your coils are good... I would recommend you use the factory Bosch plugs, unless your boosting or running nitrous the multiple ground platinums wont matter much.

OK, when should I replace the spark plugs? and can the coils be checked easily?  I have already had one ignition coil go on me  

the plugs should be replaced every 50k or so... but they can last much longer... so you should be good till 100k ... use the BMW OEM BOSCH plugs. The coils are not so easy to check, either.  Is the car running bad or why are you suspecting something is wrong with the ignition system?
