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BMW: 1991 BMW 735I 3.5, bmw 735i, 1991 bmw 735i

My husband and I have just recently bought this car.  It has started a shimmy when the breaks are hit lightly @(40mph). It also has a loud ticking...as if the valves are making noise. Could this be something else? How much (guesstimate) on the repairs for valves? Is there an easy fix? What would cause the shimmy...?

Thank You.

its hard to diagnose those problems without actually being in the car myself...form the sounds of it you chould have a knock sensor issue with the car (ticking) the valves rarely go bad on BMW's if its the valves... your in for some major labor $$$$... i would get a BMW diagnostics on the ticking.

The braking problem could be 1 of several things... My inclination is to say your rotors are warped... it could very well be your brake pads too... they have a little metal part that scrapes on the rotor when the pads are worn out to indicate that new brakes are needed... if you ride on that for a while it could potentially scratch the rotor. and cause unstable braking.

Hope this helps.