BMW: Noise coming from right front wheel, bushings, asap
QuestionI currently own a 1987 325e and I just had both control arms and bushings replaced in the front, but I still have a humming noise coming from the front. It sounds like it is coming from the right wheel. What could this possibly be and would it still be safe to drive? And if you could, what are some important parts that I should be looking into now that the car has over 215k miles on it?
Answerwell the noise sounds like a wheel bearing, a very common problem for bmw's with high miles... I would get that fixed asap as the wheel can very easily fall off. To change it yourself is pretty hard, (a special press is needed) the part wont cost you more then $50 online. I would get the part and then have a shop do the install.
I changed mine myself without a press and it took me 4 hours not worth the trouble, ended up hurting myself in the process. I think a shop would charge you about 2 hours of labor for the instal. good luck.