QuestionIt just keeps running when I remove the ignition key.
The only way I found to turn it off without the use of tools, is to (please forgive me) turn the key so that the starter motor engages shortly (the sound is not good...), and then remove the key immediatly afterwards. Then engine turns off.
It also has another problem: If I forget to turn off the lights before turning off the engine, then the rear light will remain on. I then need to restart the engine, turn on & off the light and then turn the engine off (following the above procedure...) Does this point towards a circuitboard somewhere ?
The car has an extra keyhole in the drivers door. A friend told me that is likely original BMW alarm or imobilizer. There does not seem to be any extra added wires in the door hinge harness. Still, could such an alarm/imobilizer be causing these problems ?
I just bought this car Monday. I drove 400KM to pick it up in Germany, I think I turned the engine on & off 20 times while checking the car and test driving it, and the problems started 10 Km after leaving the dealership. Previous owner (one of the employees) claims the car has never done this before. Am I lucky or what ?
I'm still hapy with the deal, love the Car, do not doubt I will get this fixed, I just need some tips getting started diagnosing this on a car I know practically nothing about. I have checked the Haynes and Bentley service manuals, but they mostly deal with the opposite situation (starting troubles).
Thanks in advance,
If I had to guess I would say you have a faulty ignition rack (the whole assembly where the key goes into)... However that doesnt explain the lighting / electrical problems... that sounds more like an alarm feature gone bad.
In my opinion I would do the easiest thing first. I would go to a proffessional car alarm installer and get them to install an alarm... prob. cost you $200 They will make sure all the wiring is correct. Should solve problem and get your car an alarm.
If thats not something you think might be a good idea, try this place its a web forum with houndreds of bmw owners post a thread ... someone out ther has got have had something similar. Hope this helps, and good luck.