Questionhi paul! have an A/C question.. with car running, when the a/c is turned on the
check coolent light also turns on. and when the a/c is turned off the light goes
out, also vapor clouds blow out of the vent with the a/c is on.. (i have not
personally seen this, so am asking on information given to me via cell) any
suggentions on this? thanks! craig
As to the "vapor clouds"...It is possible that this is the result of cold air blowing thru hot humid vents...hard to say at this point. Otherwise it could mean a leak of some kinf ( either heater water or a/c refrigerant) getting into the vents... the latter is not my first choice, but in the realm of possibility.
As to the "check coolant light", this could be a defective sensor, or a lose ground on the light or sensor...check those possibilities.
Also, make sure your "freon" level is FULL.
Any low level of refrigerant will set off a strange occurrance...these things are designed into the system to get your attention.A side note... check all fuses, as GM products usually do strange things when a fuse is blown.