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Buick/Olds: Rough idle/ emissions too high, combustion efficiency, oxigen sensor

Hi there, I have a 1992 olds cutty supreme internationl 3.4L 5spd. I live in British Colombia and we have air care here where all cars are are required to go through a emissions test every 2 years. My car's readings are through the roof on carbon monoxide. it is registering at twice the maximum allowable. I have done a full top end rebuild on the car. i have also just put in new plugs and a new oxigen sensor. the readings havent changed at all. But, when the car is running, if i unplug the oxygen sensor the idle doesnt change, it stay's rough. The A.I.R. pump is working but will shut off and not come back on after the car has been running for about 5 min or so and has some temperature in it. all other emmisions reading are fine. I would greatly appriciate some help in solving this problem.
Thanks so much,

Gas Readings
Normal Combustion
Let’s begin with an engine that is running
normally and has good combustion. What
should the exhaust gas readings look like?
• CO2 should be high. Carbon dioxide is
produced when carbon (C) and oxygen (O2)
combine during the combustion process.
When combustion efficiency increases, CO2
levels also increase.
• CO and O2 should be equal. The CO level
indicates whether the mixture is rich or lean.
If CO is high, the mixture is rich. When the
engine is at stoichiometry, CO and O2 levels
should be almost equal, indicating balanced