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Buick/Olds: 1996 Buick Park Avenue, buick park avenue, jumper cables

QUESTION: I have 96' Park Avenue that wont start.  All lights/radio/window/ect. com on but the car won't turn over at all.  I tried "jumping" the starter and it started for a matter of seconds then died again and wouldn't start without again "jumping the starter.  I've disconnected the battery (actually replaced battery, old one was 12months old).  Any thing else I can try?

ANSWER: Let's make sure I have this right...you jump start it, remove the jumper cables and it dies? Then you jump it again, and it starts?
If this is correct, your alternator is most likely "out".
Get it started, then disconnect the jumpers, and if it dies, your alternator is bad.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I "jumped the starter" forcing it to turn over.  I had the alternator tested this morning and it tested fine.  Could it be an ignition problem?

It may well be. First test...check to see if you have "fire" to the plugs.Have someone help you...you pull a plug wire, hold it with insulated pliers, then have your "helper" try to start it, as it turns over, see if you get an arc from the wire to the plug. IF NO, then check your coil wire, coil, and any other parts in the ign system. If all those check good, you may have a defective ignition "switch" (not where the key goes, but under the dash, at the bottom of the steering colimn.
One other thing, do you know that the "chip" on your key is good? If you have another key try that also.