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Buick/Olds: 1994 Buick Lasabre Engine Stalling/Wont Start, 1994 buick lasabre, crankshaft sensor

My Father has a "94" Lasabre. The security light has been on for about 5 weeks, only in the past 2 weeks he is experiencing
random stalling as he slows for stop signs or around corners. Also when the car dies he has to wait any where from 5-10 minutes before it will start again. He took it to a Buick Dealer and they told him they believed it to be the security sensor but Buick does not carry it for that year of car anymore. The dealer told him he would need to go to a salvage yard and find the sensor, ignition and key and replace all of them. My Father does not think it is the sensor because according to the manual for the car if the sensor or chip in key goes bad the starter will not turn over. Do you have any advise that may help?

Your mechanic didn't check for a code when the vehicle was serviced? When your SES light came on, the ECM got a code (or codes) stored. You can get the car scanned for free at most auto parts stores and hopefully get more clues this way. Also, I'd look into replacing the fuel filter if you haven't already done so, as well as the PCV valve.

I like to start with the easy (& free!) stuff first. Make sure your battery connections are clean & tight. Then check the driver's side ground bus for corrosion. If any is found remove the metal bar & clean all the electrical contacts.

My CRANKshaft sensor did that.. It throws a CAMshaft code..

Just looked at the Schematic.. It shows either position should work and the wire between neutral and park start are at the same place. Just a small jumper on the schematic.
The circuit labels the location as "park neutral position switch" is in the left rear of engine, left side of transaxle