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Buick/Olds: Confused on this situation, buick park avenue, qualified person

QUESTION: The 1988 Buick Park Avenue has this mist like product emerging from the hood and it was taken to a shop and they said it was the radiator and then it was taken to another shop and they said it was the heater cord or coils and we still don't know what it could be.

ANSWER: Dear Confused,
Does the "mist" seem to be coming from the front of the engine compartment, or from the rear?
Is it present whenever you start the engine, or only after you operate it for a few minutes?
Does it have a smell? How many miles are on the car?
when you reply, I'll be able to better assess the situation.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well for starters to answer your questions. Its coming from the front of the engine, and its like that after its been running. It smells like something is burning. There is about 102,000 plus. And tonight when we went somewhere it didn't "smoke or mist" it when the air wasn't on. If this helps you at all, please let me know!

Dear confused...
I would say you have a problem which originates in the a/c system...get some qualified person to check for leaks in the hoses and lines , particularly from the condenser and the compressor.

Also, check the lines to and from the cooler for your transmission (in front of the radiator.