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Buick/Olds: 1991 buick lesabre 3.8 engine, damp weather, buick lesabre

I'm having trouble starting my car. It turns over good but doesn't want to catch, I have to flood it if it sits for a couple days or when we have damp weather. There is fuel coming to the rail. A friend told me to change the wires is he right?  

It doesn't sound like a firing issue.  Let some of that fuel flow out of the rail to see if the fuel that is there is just what's in the line and not what is actually coming from the pump.  It very well may be your ignition control module or your fuel pump.  But as a general rule of thumb, start with the the plugs and the distributor.  That's the cheapest and the easiest and from the sounds of it, they may need changing anyway.  

Ray Barham