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Buick/Olds: 1991olds cutlass calais, cutlass calais, olds cutlass

I have a 1991 olds cutlass calais 442 with a 2.3 quad four. A couple of days ago the car started to give trouble. I could start the car and drive for about two miles then the car would start to buck and miss then it would die. If I waited for the car to cool off it would start right up again. I could drive till the engine temp got up to about 160 to 185 then the car would just die. I would have to wait till it cooled off the get it to start again. I changed the fuel pump put a brand new ignition moduale in it and coil packs put the car will still do the same thing. It will start when cold put when it warms up it dies. It will turn over put not start till it cools off. I need some help this car is driving me nuts. Im going to change the crankpostion sensor to see what that does. Any info would help thanks for your time Garry


It sounds like a faulty sensor.  I would try the temperature sensor.  If that car turns over, then it's not a firing issue, so your plugs, ignition control module, distributor..all of those things in that area are fine.  It is a sensor..   Tell me, is your check engine light on?  Is there any smells or sounds coming from your car?


Ray Barham