Buick/Olds: Buick Rivera Air Conditioning, auto air conditioning, pastor friend
QuestionI have a 1997 Buick Rivera. The passenger side has a separate temperature control. Last week the air coming from the driver's side vents seemed warmer (as in not as cold) as the air of the passenger side vents no matter how the passenger's climate control was adjusted. I took it to an auto air conditioning specialist. He said a gasket was the problem and could be fixed for $625.00. Is this a fair price?
AnswerI'll start by first saying, "He's the specialist!" Now that that's out of the way, I have same problem with my Rivi. I had one person take it to the dealership mechanic who reset something to do with the air and it worked fine for free. Another person said that it was the blend or actuator door. $650 does seem a little stiff a price for something that small. I suggest that you wait until the winter comes closer and maybe he'll drop his price or go to the locate auto store and see if there is someone there who could tell you what to do if you bought the part. One thing a pastor friend of mine told me about my career, "Just because they offer it doesn't mean you have to take it. Sometimes it was meant to stay an offer." I would apply that to your case. In any case, please get back to me with your solution so that you can, through me, be a BIG help to other Riviera owners, like you and myself.