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Buick/Olds: problem starting 99 olds alero, olds alero, batttery

The security light in my '99 Alero is coming on and not allowing me to start my car, sometimes it'll go off with in 10 minutes, other times it takes 2 hours, and it won't start until it goes off.  It is sparatic in when it happens, sometimes its every week other times it'll be a month or two before it occurs.  If it comes on while I'm driving, I try not to turn my car off unless I know I won't be going anywhere for a while.  What could be causing this to happen? And what could I do to fix it?
Thank You,

The security malfunctions are utterly horrid in nature.  The first thing you want to do is replace your security relay which is located in the fuse compartment near your batttery.  Consult your manual to be sure.  Second thing is to hard your dealer replace your key.  The security chip in your key could be dirty or has become corrupted (I'm a computer technician, so "corrupted" is my lingo).  Next, there is something that the dealer can do to reprogram your security system,  Of those three things, one should more than likely work.  I sure do hope so, because if not, we are looking at an electrical problem.
