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Buick/Olds: Buick will not restart, rotor coil, buick electra

I was going along in my 1986 Buick Electra 3.8 eng
when the car cut off my power steering went, so I pulled over right away.
Under the hood I found that my serpentine belt had come off, I put that back on, tried to restart the car, the eng turns, but NO SPARK coming from the spark plugs.
Car was running fine prior to this.
Any answers PLEASE.
                  Ernie    Thankyou.

Ernie, if your serpentine belt came off without breaking, it is indicative of a bad pulley somewhere.  If your can is turning over but no spark, chances are that your distributor cap/rotor/coil are in need of a replacement.  You can get all three for under $50-$75 at an auto store...at least here in my area.  In addition to that, pull out your battery and alternator and have the auto store test those to be sure that they work.  I doesn't sound like anything major, so you should be okay.


Ray Barham