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Buick/Olds: Adjusting serpentine belt on 92 Buick Century., elbow grease, little elbow

I had to replace the alternator on the vehicle, but I'll be damned if I could locate any bolt or nut that would loosen the belt enough so I could remove the alternator.

Luckily (with a little elbow grease and a large screwdriver), I was able to slip the belt off the idler/belt tensioner (if that is the proper terminology?)... no belt was harmed or damaged during this proceedure.

Now, I have to get the alternator back on. How do I loosen the belt and where exactly is the "adjustment" located?

You DON'T loosen the belt, You:

FIRST: Make a drawing of EXACTLY how the belt is routed around the different components as you will NOT remember how to RE-INSTALL it if you do NOT make a drawing.

Simply slip the belt OFF the tensioner AFTER you use a suitable wrench or bar to UNLOAD the internal spring from the tensioner. The tensioner is internally spring loaded and will move in one direction to UNLOAD the tension so the belt will slip off.
