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Buick/Olds: 91 Oldsmobile 88 Royal 3.8L V6, camshaft position sensor, crankshaft position sensor

My Oldsmobile had died recently and wouldn't start. It would turn over but wouldn't start, it was getting fuel and wasn't even firing when ether was sprayed into the intake. The local auto parts store said that it was either the camshaft position sensor or the crankshaft position sensor. I replaced the camshaft sensor and ever since then when I get on the trottle while driving, generaly at lower speeds the car chokes sputters and then shifts down and then picks up and moves out. So I was wondering what could cause that and that when replacing the camshaft sensor if the crankshaft sensor should be replaced with it?


I'd say that the sensors do not have to be replaced at the same time, no. But...what the problem sounds like to me is a bad coil pack. There are 3 on your car, and they tend to go bad without notice and usually one at a time. However, it is recommended that you replace all 3 at the same time so that a bad one won't ruin your new one. This is my recommendation, but I'm not there to hear it or drive it.

I did have a Park Avenue in the shop just last month with a VERY similar fault and it also turned out to be the #2 coil pack. We replaced all 3 on the 3.8V6, and now it runs like gravy.