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Buick/Olds: engine cleaning, dish detergent, spray nine

What's the best way to clean an engine.  What cleaning products, etc.



Hey Larry

Engine cleaning is something I recommend to everyone and do myself every month or so. The best product on the market for cleaning and engine is 1> Auto Zone's spray engine cleaner and 2> Brake cleaner (it works very well at cleaning up a little spilled oil or brake fluid etc.

As for what I use myself, I use a little brake cleaner first and then, believe it or not, I use Spray Nine (good price at Wal-Mart). You would not believe how good of a job it does.

Depending on your engine, I would recommend taking off the serpentine belt, and washing it and all the pullays along the way. Some dish detergent and water in a bucket is a great place to wash a belt. Be careful not to get too too much soapy water on your wires and plugs, it's harder to rinse. Wash everything down that's under the hood, including resevoirs, hoses, belts, lines, etc. If your engine is water tight like it should be, nothing will be hurt. Finish off be washing EVERTHING down with lots and lots of fresh water, spray into every little hole and get all the soap out. Spray into the radiator from the engine side and spray out...this will un-lodge any bugs, dirt and leaves that didn't make it through when driving.

Other than that, it's really no different from washing anything, just scrub and rinse very well.