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Buick/Olds: olds achieva, olds achieva, head gaskets

my car is a 1992 2.3 and it will not start i have fuel pressure and have power to the coils but no spark i did a ohm test on the coil assmely (white plastic part) and found no cracks any ideas?        

                   thank you    james  

Hey James

Just because you are getting power to the coil packs doesn't mean that they are producing a spark. I would check to see that the plugs themselves are sparking before checking the coils or module.

If your car only needs plugs and wires, it's much cheaper than other problems it could be. Like....

It could be your control module, the computer that runs the coils. 2.3's have a way of blowing the module for some reason, I'm not sure why. Kind of like how they all seem to blow head gaskets as well. If this is the problem, then you'll want to replace each coil pack as well when you replace the module.

Another area to check is your timing, it could be off, and since the timing is all electronic and not like the days of distributors, timing being off can make the difference of go, or not

Let me know if I can be of more help.