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Buick/Olds: 93 Lesabre heater vent question, climate control, flow system

Hello I have a simple question about the vent flow system on my climate control. when I first start the car the digital display on the heater unit blinks for about 30-55 seconds then when I turn up the heat the flow is rediected to the lower vents until the temp is stabilized then it will revert to panel vents unless I turn the heat up again then it reverts agin to the floor until it reaches temperature...if I turn it to cold then its 100% panel vents, so thats ok...


J. Stevens

Hey J.

If you change the mode manually, to take it out of AUTO mode, it should stay where you want it. Buick came up with some brilliant idea (sarcastic) that the car would decide the fan speed, temperature, and mode (where the air is directed). If you press mode to make it vents or to make it floor or to make it windshield defrost, then it is supposed to stay there.

The reason it switches is because it's pre-programmed that in order to heat a car up fastest is to blow it all on the floor and to cool it off fastest is to blow it all out the panel vents, I don't know who came up with that formula, but we all have to live with it...haha.

Get back to me if you need more