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Buick/Olds: follow up to heating problem 94 Park ave, true computer, internal temperature

First off I just want to say thank you again for all your help, I am going to inquire about the directional module today. What would that have to do with the ext temp sensor showing 182 deg?. Now last night I looked behind the glove box and there was a power plug so while the car was running I pulled the power plug and the blower moter shut off and the temp display dissapeared, I reconnected the plug and my EXT temp showed 50 degrees which was about right, I shut the car off and restarted it and it showed 182 degrees again, so I am wondering if there a microprocessor or computer hooked onto this unit that I need to replace.

Thanks again


Okay Bob, found out a small piece info.

Within that plug, behind the glove compartment, there is a relay that connects the external temperature node (sensor in front) to the display node (screen in the car). This relay is known to "wear out" over time. Now, I don't believe that you simply have to go out and buy a new one for hundreds of dollars, but I think that we can fix the problem without spending a lot of money.

Now, we can fix this by 2 methods: Repair or replace.
Repair would require you to know a lot about the electronics of that relay, but I believe replacing would be easier...luckily I've been able to find out that a 2nd hand relay (the box that your plug actually plugs into) will be somewhat inexpensive...roughly $45. It is a very "techy" subject though and I've rarely worked on true computer parts. In the dealership, we mostly use our computers to diagnose other computer parts in your car. So, my advise is to either purchase a 2nd hand "external/internal temperature sensory node" and you will be able to replace it yourself very easily, like 15 minutes work. Or, you can let me research a bit more. I really hope that this info does something to help....good luck Bob...get back to me and let me know ok?