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Buick/Olds: 1993 buick park ave ultra supercharger, buick park ave, power brakes

My supercharger makes a lot of grumbling noises that almost sounds like a diesel.  I bought it used so do not know if it has been replaced or not.  I have 107,000 mi. on it and other than the noise it runs great & has a lot of pep.  Could I check anything to see if it does need replaced?  Also my ABS light stays on and the coolant low light, but both the brakes and the coolant are fine.  I have had to make some very quick stops and no problems with the brakes.  Please let me know before I have to spend a lot of money I don't have.

Well, there's 2 possible reasons for the supercharger to make noises like that.

1..The bearing inside the supercharger could be bad. That would require either replacing the bearings or removing the unit. Removing it will not make the motor run badly, it will just take about 20hp off. Really not that bad. This will also save A LOT of gas.

2..or...The noise could actually be coming from the engine crank. The strain of running the supercharger as well as everything else could now be too much for the engine. This is VERY common, especially when running a/c, check and see if the noise happens only when the a/c is on. It would require of either replacing the crank (very big $$) or removal of the supercharger.

As for the ABS light, I am sure that your brakes are fine. Just because the ABS light is on, that doesn't effect the actual brakes at all. ABS runs completely independent from the power brakes. As long as the ABS light is on, you'll have full brakes just fine, just not ABS, meaning the wheels could lock up. But that's no different from if you didn't have the option of ABS on your car.
>>If you feel compelled to, Fixing the ABS system will require you to have the system put on a code reader (computer)...this can be done at a garage or you can buy one at Wal-mart for $20 and have it forever. You'll likely need to replace a sensor on one of the wheels. ($35)

The Low Coolant light being on is a common problem also. I've seen this on many buick's...there is likely a bubble of air in the cooling system. placing the nose of the car in the air, letting the engine cool COMPLETELY and then removing the radiator cap. Then start the car and let it run about 60 seconds, give it a few short kicks of gas and that will likely let the air out of the system. You can rev it from under the hood if you want so you can see the bubbles come out.

If the Coolant light stays on, then you may need a sensor for that, about $15 will cover that.

As for the annoying ABS light, if you want just good ol' power brakes and don't want to fix the ABS, just put a piece of tape over the orange light or remove the bulb by taking out the instrument panel. About 1/2 hour's work.