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Buick/Olds: a/c or electronics, fan switch, les taylor

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Question - Robbie, Just talked to my Dad. He does not know if it was the dash or motor switch. What info can you offer if any? Thanks Les.
Taylor, What would cause the fan motor for the a/c and heater continue to run even with the key out? It's a '95 PA. My wife shut it off and she noticed right away that the blower stayed on. I had to disconnect the batt.The car is well maintained and bought by my father brand new. I did find in the records he gave me, that the A/C switch was replaced 2/17/97. Could that be the problem? Also the car is only driven once a week and kept inside.It just happened today and my wife needs this car since our other car is in the body shop. I'll have to wait 'til Mon. to find a repair place, I hope it's maybe something I could fix fast. Thanks for any help at all, Les Morton
Answer -
Well Les

Just like the headlights are always grounded, they can be used at anytime without the key...your fan switch may also have become grounded. But I do need to know...do you mean the a/c switch on the motor was replaced, or the one on the dash..let me know and I'll get right back to you.

That's ok, we'll just make it a two part question...

1) Assuming it was the switch in the a/c compressor on the motor, it coul be a faulty ground from the motor to the switch on the dash, but that seems higly unlikely since the motor's ground is cut off completely when the car is shut off.

2) Assuming the switch on the dash is the culprit (which it likely is due to the interior fan running), I would have to say it is a faulty FAN switch on the dash. Perhaps when the switch for the a/c was replaced...either it damaged the fan switch when the a/c blew out, or the fan switch got damaged when they replaced the a/c switch. Your best bet is to do one of two things.

a. try adjusting the fan speed to faster and shutting the car off, does the fan stay on high or does it slow down...then try adjusting the fan speed to low, does it also stay where you put it or does the fan always return to the same speed everytime the car is shut off.

If it is returning to the same speed, that likely means there is a faulty ground and can be fixed simply by catching where the ground is bad (you may need a mechanics help with that)

If it's not returning to the same speed, and it stays whereever you last set it, it will definitely be the fan switch itself. This can be fixed by simply replacing it, easy and inexpensive.

b. Besides adjusting the speed, you can also try checking ALL of the fuses...making sure that not only are they all still good, but also that they are all the CORRECT AMPS. This is important because if a switch went bad and the wrong fuse is in, it may not have tripped it and it shorted out another piece of equipment. Also, take a quick look under the hood and see where your battery is, then look close to it...you should see the ground wire attaching in two places, to the battery and to the body of the car, simply look to see where it attaches to the body of the car. Make sure that this location is clean and that the connection is not corroded.

It's a lot of info, but I hope you can sort through it, if you need more help or to explain it better, get back to me, that's what I'm here for.