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Buick/Olds: engine problems, buick park avenue, camshaft sensor

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Question -
I have a 91 buick park avenue my car dies when it warms up to normal range then starts again when it cools down what is wrong with it
Answer -
hey sean, just need to know a few more things...What size engine do you have, they came with 3.1 V6, 3.8 V6. Also, will the run at all when it's warm or just stall when it gets warm and you need to keep restarting it.
         my car has a 3.8 v6 but it doesn't start at all now I found out that it isn't getting any spark so I put a distibution module and a coil pack in it and it still isn't getting any spark I talked to a local mechanic and he told me to look for a pink fuseable link to see if it had power and it does then he told me try changing the camshaft sensor so what do you think
Write back soon so can get right on it

I don't believe a camshaft sensor will do you any good, that may be a waste of your money. However, since you put a coil pack on, you should replace the other two...there are 3 on your car and it could be ANY one of them. Also, I would recommend checking out the oxygen sensor. It could be cracked and only stops working when its hot because it would crack open. If the oxygen sensor is cracking open when its hot, the car would definitely not run.

Get back to me to let me know, maybe I can do a bit of research for you.
