QuestionThe vehicle in question has been running smooth since the purchase 2-3 months ago. However, without any warning (i.e.: sputtering, service engine light, etc) the car stalled and would not start up again after being turned off for five minutes.
After a few hours the car started without hesistation and countinued to run. The next day the car started up again yet stalled out again after driving it for 2-4 miles.....repeating this cycle for two days.
All electrical components seem to be working fine while stalled. After trying gas treatments and jumping the battery it continues to repeat the problem.
A local mechanic mentioned it may be the ignition core. Other suggestions were the fuel pump and/or filter or the entire fuel injection system.
I'm hoping to minimize the possible causes to avoid waste of time, money and effort towards the incorrect problem.
Thanking you in advance,
Larry Bryant
AnswerThe best way to minimize the cost is to take it to the dealer and have it diagnosed, then replace the part that is bad instead of guessing at what is wrong. A guess is all that I can give you at this time without some further info. I need to know what the fuel pressure is when it is running and when it wont start, are you getting spark when it wont start, and are you getting fuel injector pulses when it wont start. Without ALL of this info I can only give you a guess....
Possible fuel pump, ignition module, or crankshaft position sensor.