QuestionHey love, I have a two door, 1989 Buick Regal Custom that's been giving me issues.
It started out as a small thing (going over 70 had my car turning on all the service lights and stopping...thankfully not a dead stop so I could coast my way onto the shoulder), but it's gotten worse.
It now suddenly stops even if I'm crawling along, or am evens topped at a sign or light. It sometimes won't start for me unless I fiddle with the gas peddle first and is just generally making a nuicenss of itself.
A friend who does some car work told me it might be a clogged carborator...does this sound right and if it is, is it something I can fix myself (no mech skills here, though I'm going to school for auto repair when I get some cash together) or should I just cave and take it to a professional?
Any help you can provide would be most welcome as this car is my baby and I don't really want to have to give it up just yet.
AnswerWell if it has a clogged carb, you really have problems because they stopped using carbs in 1984.
You should probably take it to the shop and have it diagnosed. There are so many things that could be causing your problem that I could only give you a guess at this point.
There were lots of problems with the fuel injectors on those old Regals.