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Cadillac: 1995 cadillac eldorado cruise control, cadillac eldorado, intermittent faults

QUESTION: I have an error code p036 and p068.  The p036 is for the EGR valve pintle position out of range.  Is there any adjustment or do you just clean it and see if it goes away or replace it?   The p068 is cruise control servo position out of range.  Is there a way to adjust or check something with it?  Thank you

ANSWER: You need to go back and re-read the codes and see if the codes are either CURRENT (C) or HISTORY (H) codes FIRST.

After each code displays you will see History or current as EACH code displays.

I need to know if they are currnet (C) or history (H).

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QUESTION: they are both history
ANSWER: OK, These were intermittent faults that corrected themselves. You need to CLEAR (erase) these codes from the computer.

If you do NOT know how, Let me know.

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QUESTION: I can clear them but they keep coming up.
ANSWER: Are they coming up as CURRENT (C) or HISTORY (H) ?.

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QUESTION: they show up as history all the time
ANSWER: By what method are you CLEARING the codes ?

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QUESTION: with the self diagnostics and systems check
ANSWER: Elaborate in more detail as to what steps you did to CLEAR them.

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QUESTION: went in to the system check where it displays the codes.  Then select PCM menu and go to PCM CLEAR CODES and select it.  IT displays codes clear then goes back to the menu.  I exit and go back into it and it shows no pcm errors.  Then i drive the vehicle and the check engine light come on and codes are back.  I can allways clear them and they alway show up as history.  It seems like it is intermittent but do not know what to check to see if it is or if I need to just clean something off.  Thank you for your time

OK, I just wanted to make SURE that you were clearing the codes correctly. Most people when I ask them in detail HOW they cleared the codes tell me they disconnected the battery for a few minutes which does NOT clear the codes.

Your most likely fault on the cruise problem is a faulty servo.

Your most likely fault on the EGR is the EGR valve and or there is carbon deposits within the EGR pipe or pintle seat.

The ONLY way to be absolutely sure is to perform the test procedures using the climate control panel with the PICTURES and directives that I can provide to you. E-mail me at: [email protected]